TINIG Party Apologizes For Incomplete Section Visits During Campaign Period
By Heleina Lourisse Tolentino
Septermber 11, 2024
2-min read
Copyread by Franchessca Avendaño
TINIG party, led by Presidential candidate Andrea Paulane Flores and 1st Vice Presidential candidate Carl Nicholas Salamat, released an apology statement for being unable to visit all sections during the campaign period.
In the released statement, the party admitted that they were unable to visit all sections for the room-to-room campaign due to time constraints and conflict in schedules.
The party addressed the issue by encouraging everyone to look at their platforms, projects, and credentials posted on their Facebook page. They also invited the students to engage with them at the Meeting De Avance, SipatLawin 2024 on Thursday, September 12, 2024.