On October 5th, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) made this day to be celebrated annually as it serves as an anniversary when the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers was adopted. It became World Teachers' Day to remind teachers of their rights and responsibilities, the standards they must uphold, and everything else related to improving teaching quality. In this year 2022, UNESCO has announced the theme, "The transformation of education begins with teachers."
You see, the theme fits perfectly with the story I would share. Now, there’s a gardener standing in a wide area, one that we can call an orchard. It was plain, visible spots in the ground being dug as seeds were planted. The gardener was not the one who planted these seeds, but was only tasked with taking care of them as they grew and until they bore fruit. The gardener agreed, taking note of specific details and also being enthusiastic about taking care of the seeds despite not owning them.
From then on, the gardener prepared a lot of things. The right and proper tools were used; fertilizers, water, sunlight, and making sure each had what it needed. The gardener would occasionally tell stories about their lives, talking to them and providing life values that could help it nourish further. From time to time, the owners would come by, asking the gardener about the well-being of their seeds. The gardener would happily share its growth, talking on a brighter note as no matter how the grounds shifted and the winds blew, the seeds under the gardener’s care would never waver. For the gardener’s trust in the seeds that they would thrive wavered as well. Whenever there were weeds that started to crawl on the plant, the gardener was quick to notice and would pluck it before it hindered the seed’s growth. Each touch was gentle and each word was careful. There are also times when some of the seeds’ growth is left behind. Although it calls for more of a tedious task, the gardener would not hesitate to help the said seeds.
Seasons would come, years would pass by, and the gardener would see the thin trunk with little or no luscious green leaves would become a strong one, bearing a pleasing smell as well as the blossoming flowers. As the gardener cultivated it further, never forgetting the responsibility of the task they had, it grew even further. It grows tall and tall, quite passing the gardener’s height. A smile would bloom on the gardener’s lips, raising their head up to see the seeds planted beautifully grow under their care. The orchard that was once a plain field soon became a field filled with plenty of apple trees. As the flowers turned to fruit, the apples gradually turned red and ripe—the gardener was delighted, knowing more fruits would be produced from the trees they had nurtured. Then, when the gardener would stumble because of the large roots it has, the gardener knew it was time for goodbyes. The gardener was done with the task. The seeds had grown into tall and strong trunks, with marks of lines covering as a reminder of the life it had lived and for more to come, and of the red fruits it had along with the leaves. The gardener only hopes that no matter how far the trees' roots spread or how much fruit they bear, they will never forget the love that the gardener has shared with them.
In this story, the gardener was our teachers, mentors, coaches, instructors, or any other term we call for those people who are related by blood or not, yet continuously give us time to cheer, support, and love us like our parents do. The owners of the seed were our parents, who had trusted the teachers to input additional knowledge and help us grow and grow until our efforts bore fruit—the achievements and making our dreams happen. And of course, we are the seeds. The gardener, our teachers, trusted in the potential they saw in us. Even though the responsibility weighs heavy on their shoulders, our teachers strive hard to prepare the necessities to ensure that our growth underneath them will be fine and exemplary. Just like how the gardener did, even if storms had come and the seasons aged their bodies—our teachers still continued training us to be wise and responsible in our lives. They were one of the people who helped us transform into someone we are today.
Even if October 5th passes by, let us never forget the sacrifices our teachers made for us. Their roles in our lives are critical, and they know it by heart. For all the teachers, not limited to those in school, we are very grateful and thankful for the selfless help, trust, and support you have given us. Thank you for everything and we salute you for all the hard work you have done. Time may pass by quickly as it can, but we wish that you will still be here, in that very orchard, watching us bear more fruits with the hopes that it will make you proud. As we head on to the future, we hope that whenever we look back, you will be there alongside our family and friends, gazing at us in bliss as we step forward in life.
Happy Teacher’s Day!