For something to be good for you, you do not have to be good at it.
Whenever somebody asks about our hobbies, the most frequent follow-up question after we give a response would be, “Can you show it to me?” or “You must have joined and won multiple contests!” Indirectly assuming we have a flair for something we do as leisure. We could not entirely reprehend them, as a shared perspective to one’s vocation is: If you carry out an activity at regular intervals, you might as well show some improvement.
Indulging in a hobby customarily puts forward to being skillful. However, such an assumption does not apply to the majority. An individual who exhibits a broad range of interests does not surmise that one is excellent. Perhaps they might be a venturesome vulture, a dauntless dingo, a curious cat roaming the streets, searching for anything that might captivate their interest.
If you cannot absorb a particular hobby, you can still gain a lesson or two that could potentially be helpful in your growth.
1. Off to another world
Take some time off of school or work by preoccupying yourself. Sit down, mute your phone, and find your old brushes and unfinished paint tubes. A wandering mind can lead to creativity, better moods, greater productivity, and more concrete goals. Let your mind drift while your hand decides for itself across the canvas. The end product may be a mishmash of colors or a painting you might see at an art gallery.
2. Not everything we plant will bear fruit.
Back in my previous school, my friends and I used to color books to de-stress. We would close our eyes and let our hands pick colors blindly. The point of this activity was for us to accept inevitable and unfortunate events. To remind us, not everything we imagine will transpire. The outcome of our works may not be pleasing to the eyes; it uplifted our spirits and we earned a few laughs by seeing how ridiculous our artwork was.
3. Be able to explore whatever and whenever you want.
You can easily and comfortably attempt a list of techniques and methods without putting a lot of expectations on yourself. If it fails, you can laugh at it, and someone can laugh at it too. In such a case where it makes you feel tiresome, branch out once more and see a new one. There is no harm in trying.
What if you paint because it gives you peace, and your goal is not to be Van Gogh? Let us say you are tone-deaf, you sing off-key, and a voice crack attacks you while belting out the chorus of ‘Heart Attack’ by Demi Lovato? Express your love to someone and write them lousy poems and paint your nails. Isn't life should be about doing things we love
As Heather Grant once said, “Instead of abandoning something you love but think you’re no good at, focus on the good it’s doing you.” A hobby can turn into something lucrative; it can be used as an advantage in competitions; you may unexpectedly encounter new friends through associating with various organizations. Nevertheless, always remember how it makes you feel and do more of what makes you happy.