“How are you?” This is probably the hardest question one could ever answer at this time. We could always opt for the easy way out and answer, “I’m fine.” Because we all know that if we answer “no,” there will always be a follow-up question of “Why?” Regardless of our answer, the question will still linger. How are we really? Getting by? Surviving? A pool of thoughts would easily conquer our minds.
The pandemic has been long enough to take a huge toll on our mental health. It is so easy to get caught up with everything that is happening around us. The deafening silence, unending bad news, and isolation could feel like a bottomless pit. Even though it has been more than a year of lockdown implementations, we are still grasping in the dark. The drastic call to adapt to changes is a tedious process that can get a little overwhelming. Our new reality poses a set of unique disputes for all of us. And during this difficult time, it is more important than ever to love yourself a little more and practice self-care.
Let us start small and take a step towards loving ourselves, one day at a time. Here are four tips to get you started!
1. First things first, acknowledgement!
Check-in with yourself. This is a time of incredible stress and anxiety. The tremendous pressure can make us forget to recognize the loss of “the way things were.” Granting yourself the time to process what has gone can help you stay grounded in the current state of life. Listen to what your body and mind needs.
2. Fuel up
During such frantic times, a healthy eating habit can easily fall to the wayside. If anything, it is more vital than ever to properly fuel our bodies with the nutrition they need. The increased physical and mental stress is one of the reasons why healthy eating is necessary for strengthening our immune system to combat illness and recuperate faster if we fall ill.
3. Get Your Zzz’s
In these uncertain times, it can be hard to get a good night's sleep. The tangible threat of the pandemic on personal and societal levels can promote anxiety and sleep problems. Taking a few minutes off of your gadgets before bedtime, avoiding caffeine, exercising during the day, are some helpful strategies to cope. It is also important to not
stress about sleeping! Keep in mind that it is a normal stress response. Taking a few simple measures can preserve your rest and improve your overall well-being.
4. Choose Yourself
A list of tips will be of no use if you keep putting yourself second. It is not selfish to care and love yourself more during these trying times. In fact, the stress the pandemic has brought upon us makes it more salient to be kinder to yourself. Self-care is a course of action for you to be healthy and well by taking steps to tend to what you truly need. Engaging in self-care regularly could help you put your best foot forward.
The bottom line is, self-care is not synonymous with selfishness or self-indulgence. It does not have to be luxurious nor grand. It is doing things that you enjoy and is beneficial for your well-being. Allow yourself to breathe, take the time to recuperate. Give yourself enough credit to acknowledge the things you have survived and brace yourself for what is yet to come.
Give yourself the love and kindness you are always willing to give to others. So that someday, when someone asks you how you are doing, you can finally say you are doing well and actually mean it.
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